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Watch Sermons

Watch the weekly message here.  Catch up if you missed a message. Live stream Sunday mornings at 9 am.
Click here to download the Sermon notes worksheet.

Join our weekly Zoom meeting where we discuss the sermon and answer any questions the message might have prompted.  Meetings are Sunday afternoons at 1 pm. (Passcode d5WK7T )

Worship playlist

Click here for this week's worship music playlist.
Since we do not meet in person and we do not have a music ministry (yet), we want you to enjoy some songs we believe could enhance your worship experience. 

Bible Study 

Weekly Bible Study where we are doing an in-depth study into the stories of the Bible.  No Bible Stories are not just for kids.  God's word has much to teach us from the stories. Join us Wednesday evenings at 6 pm. Click here to download the Bible Study worksheet.

Join our Facebook community

click here to go to our Facebook page.  Check out the optional groups to join. If you don't see one that works for your needs, let us know so we can try to meet that need. 

BOB groups

Click here to join a BOB group. Groups are forming regularly so check back often to see if one is in your area.  If you are interested in hosting a BOB group, please indicate that on your signup form. 

Bible Reading plan

Every believer should spend time in the Word outside of church.  Here is a link to a Bible reading program that we enjoy.
Do this program daily and you will complete the entire Bible in one year.  We highly recommend that you also listen to the podcast for an explanation of the day's reading.